
How to Maximize Recruitment During a Pandemic
With the holidays just around the corner, companies are desperately sc...

The Hybrid Workplace: Why Virtual Recruitment is Essential
When you think 3 months down the road, even a year later, how do you e...

The Benefits of Hybrid Virtual Engagement
When the pandemic started, many companies and organizations began host...

Micro Feria de Empleo Virtual – Una tendencia emergente en la contratación virtual.
Las ferias de empleo, como todos sabemos, son generalmente un evento a...

Micro Virtual Job Fair – An Emerging Trend in Virtual Hiring
Job Fairs, as all of us know, are generally a large-scale event which ...

Virtual Career Fair Technology Summary 2020
The year 2020 has changed the world drastically and forced all of us a...

Buyers’ guide for Virtual Career Fair solution
The year 2020 has forced all of us try and adopt smarter ways of doing...

Cynaptx Virtual Career Fair
Delivering the next-gen virtual career fair experience using Microsoft...

Introducing next gen virtual career fair using Microsoft Teams
Recruitment for entry level jobs and internships have gone virtual. Ac...