Post by May 1, 2019 4:30:00 AM · 2 min read

Importance of healthy lifestyle for students

Human evolution is a continuous process. During this evolution process thousands of years, we have changed physically and mentally as explained in Big Bang Theory. As a living being, our primary job is to keep moving to stay fit mentally and physically. That’s what we have been doing until a few centuries ago. With the advancement of technology and changing lifestyle; physical activities have taken backseat while our mental functions have reaching their peak levels.

Too much mental activity and reduced physical activity have caused tremendous pressure in our physical and mental health. Shockingly, it’s not only among adult, but it has also affected the children, students and old people equally. According to the American College Health Association, 32 percent of students say they have felt so stressed: “that it was difficult to function.”

While importance towards physical and mental welling being among adults is getting a lot of attention, attention towards students’/children’ mental & physical health is comparative low. With rising pressure of grades and better career, students in colleges and universities go through a lot of stress. However, a few steps can reverse the scenario:

Encouraging students to lead a healthy lifestyle. Yes, colleges and universities have started various extra-curricula on physical and mental activities, but every student does not feel the need to be part of it. Especially during the exam season, students do not indulge much in jogging, running and other physical exercises. But, a 15 minutes of session of workout/run, a walk or meditation can be a great deal maker to nourish overall health. Exposure to sunlight, meditation and indulgence in physical task help our body to release ‘feel good’ hormones like Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin. So educational institutes and teachers can be torch bearers to encourage students to start and maintain a ‘few minutes physical activity’ every day.

Hand hold to have a better time Management. Time management is a factor that is going effect throughout life. So, it’s better to learn it early. Institutes and parents can encourage students to inculcate time management in their daily routine. Institutes can engage with career software services platforms like Cynaptx to manage their and students schedule better during the academic calendar. Cynaptx’s smart features infused with the latest technologies helps both staff and student to function smart and productive. Cynaptx’s AI infused job search system helps the student to save valuable time and shows only the relevant jobs. It also allows students and candidates to keep track of the applied jobs, interview schedule with an organization and a lot more. So student and staff, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and explore this software for a better time management plan for you.

Healthy body and mind start with healthy eating. And what better way to start this, then at young age. Here also mentors, parents plays a significant role by introducing healthy and clean eating habits. Nutritionists claim that going local is a great way to stay fit, which also has a very large socio-economic impact. When we eat locally or home grown fruits, vegetables or other stuffs, we are not only getting benefits of good food but also helping local farmers and businesses to grow.

Parents can also inspire their children to start growing fruits and vegetable at home. It is a great hobby to stay fit mentally and physically. Colleges and institutes can have an awareness session on healthy eating habits. They can also ban junk food indulgence inside the premises.

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